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How About Them Karma Apples

by Nox

I'm still reeling over the news but as is my marital status: I'm divorced. I found out two days ago that my ex-husband (who's 30) and his 'fiance' (who started out 15, now 17) were in a motorcycle wreck. He was wasted (no surprise) and she wasn't wearing a helmet (again, no surprise). She was pronounced dead at the scene and he was arrested for driving on a revoked (.. no surprise there AT ALL), fleeing the scene, DWI, statutory rape and... get this.. VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER.

I dislike that someone died (even though I didn't approve of her or how wild her mother let her run) but he got what has been coming to him.

My mouth fell open when my EMT friend told me.

Damn. Glad I was smart enough to get out of there when he first went crazy and showed signs of drug addiction.

Let this be a lesson to you kids. Drugs are bad. Srsly.
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!

RE: How About Them Karma Apples

by Don Von Alpha Dom


RE: How About Them Karma Apples

by Nox

Don Von Free Credits wrote:

Yep. That's about how much I had to say too. What can I say... rednecks... tsk tsk.
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!

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