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Decisions and Updates

by Nox

Soooooo.... I've been absent some here lately but with good reason. One, I am almost done with three very cool tutorials for the graphic design section. Two, I have enlisted in the United States Marine Corp so after I leave for boot camp I wont be on for 3 months! But no worries. Directly after I will post here with new stuff once I get net access on base.

My other partial reason for being away is my photo retouching. I took on some free jobs just to get my work out there. I'm excited. My work flow is picking up pace which pleases me. It no longer takes me 10 hours to do one photo. Its nice to know that I am getting more comfortable with my tools. I just have to remember that there is the Undo button. Lol.

That's all for now!
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!


- November 2012
Poor harddrive
   Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:59 pm

+ March 2012
+ December 2011
+ April 2011
+ February 2011
+ December 2010
+ November 2010
+ October 2010
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