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Moderating - Harder than it seems

by Nox

I didn't know how complex forum moderation is.


I felt like I should whip the Graphic Design section in shape and make it look pretty but so far I botched 6 threads into one (not a huge deal, they were dead topics all on the same thing anyway) and then realized that I can't make topics "Sticky" which is ok by me. I think we have too many GDed (lol, my censored curse) stickies as it is. Seeing those same (what six?) SIX threads page after page is annoying. I can see having maybe... 3? Program Download Links (Various programs), Resources (master thread), and then one for Graphic Design related Don topics which could be a static sticky that is updated...

[ Continued ]
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!

My Pen! Part 2

by Nox

I finally received my stupid pen in the mail. I can finish the tutorials I started on months ago. I've also been going through a lot here lately. I had a car accident that totaled my car completely. Damned ice and trees. Why couldnt the tree of moved?! I'm also going through a messy divorce... Not going to go into it but I'm happy its happening.

Come march I will be enlisting in the Navy as a CTI. I'm going to churn out those tutorials before I leave. Basic will take 8 weeks or more then my phase I language school will be a lot longer than that.

But I'm back!
Last edited by Nox on Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!

My Pen!!!

by Nox

I moved a state in the north direction and in doing so I seem to have made some people mad. (Hey, its not my fault people cant get jobs like normal and pay for damages they caused to the property.) When I went to gather my things I noticed stuff missing. Movies, CDs.. but most importantly.. my wacom tablet pen.

This is like.. the third time this has happened. WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE NEED WITH MY PEN?!!

Anyway, I had to halt work on my tutorials due to the fact that I refuse to work with a mouse.

Another pen is on its way. I ordered it from Wacom. But this is the last time I am shelling out 30$ + shipping for a fucking pen. I'll just stab someone next time until it resurfaces.
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!

Decisions and Updates

by Nox

Soooooo.... I've been absent some here lately but with good reason. One, I am almost done with three very cool tutorials for the graphic design section. Two, I have enlisted in the United States Marine Corp so after I leave for boot camp I wont be on for 3 months! But no worries. Directly after I will post here with new stuff once I get net access on base.

My other partial reason for being away is my photo retouching. I took on some free jobs just to get my work out there. I'm excited. My work flow is picking up pace which pleases me. It no longer takes me 10 hours to do one photo. Its nice to know that I am getting more comfortable with my tools. I just have to remember that there is the Undo button. Lol.

That's all for now!
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!


by Nox

I dont want to elaborate here because it's a topic that not everyone should necessarily know about but.....

I'm stoked.

& disappointed at the same time.


Turns out "Pro" Devs upload some SHITTY image work.

Take from that what you will. It's a pretty loaded statement.

*Runs of squealing like a schoolgirl*
If you like my boots so much, turn around and I will give you one!

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