Search found 939 matches

shy cute intelligent tallanted interesting After around two years I have decided for a bit different description: Creative, Provocative, Charming, Multi-talented, Perfectionist. ^ Those would apply both in real life and on-line. ^^'' Though the concentration of each in my personality depends on my ...
Yes, until I learned to fully love and respect myself, and realise that no one else is like me, meaning there are as well people who'd wish to be me, so why should I even switch with someone...

Did you ever sh*t down on the mall? :D
My prediction: Since this S&M craze over this new trilogy the Mafias 'Slave Market & Escorts' section should become a lot more active and loved. :D I've bought mine already (cause no more exemplars available in the local library & downloading, reading sh*t on computer kills eyes and is ...
Hmm... How is that even possible?! Lol

Have you ever resisted more than 2 years in a virtual relationship without physical touch?
Thx:)I can add mine,but im way to lazy to uploead like 60 banners again xD '(...) Together we are strong and supporting the fight against breast cancer LIKE A BAWS! ' Lmaooooooo! P.S. XunknownX's avatar reminds me of the Good ol' Punnish...
I don't know about you guys, but I usually use Omegle to get some random people's opinion... ^~^ I know a guy though who met his ex-lover there... It can be quite fun when you're bored or perhaps horny.... or simply lonely... :D But yeah.. nice talk there, Nikky. :3 P.S ~~ Is that you in your profil...