Flag this guy. He deserves it.

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 10 posts
15 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 15 years ago · Author

Story? I go into one of his friends chatrooms, we're all having fun and chilling, then this guy is sitting alone in one corner, dressed up like Satan, so I ask him in a playful tone, these are the exact words "=D Hey there, do you mind if I call you Reddey??? =P" so he basically tells me, I don't tolerate dissrespect, then he boots me out. The End.

Now I say we flag him. He has some pretty disgusting pictures on his HP, so a few reports are good enough to get this guy banned. It would be a huge favor to me =) KTHX
Posted 15 years ago
Lol, the irony, the lawbringer was brought down by the mafia xD
Good = 0
Evil = 1

Well even more, for a lawbringer, he pretty much was disrespectfull for a guy that he doesn't even know... and a devil suit... interesting...
Its like saying "I want justice!" "Go to Hell!"
Posted 15 years ago
well how r we going to help flag him? lolz u can only flag them once till imvu sees why u did it. and most of the time it takez a longass time for imvu to see to the problem. ive flagged many peoplez pagez for bein stupid. and when i check a few weekz later n try to flag them again because imvu took no action, it says they been flagged already. and im sure the guy took it offensively because tht doesnt sound like much of a compliment lolz i doubt u were trying to be too nice haha n because ur going to his room he can basically do wat ever he wantz lolz so just let it go hehe thatz somethin u shuldnt waste ur breath on
Posted 15 years ago · Author
No I was being nice. And I don't care how he took it, because if your going to be quiet for 4 fucking hours in a fucking chat room and then suddenly decide to kick me out when I just try to get him involved in a conversation with the rest of the group, I get kicked out?

And if I figured it was my fault, then I would have let it go. But I seem to get kicked from rooms and groups mainly because these people who know me, especially in groups where the main reason I get kicked is because I am actually more involved than the actual owners of that group, and in public rooms, when it gets quiet I try to get something going and get in trouble for doing it.

I am only putting this here, mainly just to let out steam, and who knows maybe this guy might actually get deleted. I'm not asking to h4c|< this guy and sabatoge his account, just for a little mafia support in this situation.
Posted 15 years ago
I know its not you're fault, but people can't know if you're kidding or not when you're behind a screen, and there are people that are hot-headed, or have mood changes...
Besides there are also sensible people, that can take an argument as an insult, even if none is intended... like me for example, you say something, even if kidding, that I don't get it correctly, I'll be pissed.
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Well heres the thing, I didn't just enter the room and say

Hi, Can I call you Reddy?

I was actually in a conversation with about 7 people cracking jokes and talking about life... even him to some extent, we were having a good conversation friendly the atmosphere is good, all of a sudden

"I dont tolerate disrespect"

You have been kicked from the room.

Ok, whatever forget it, since I am the bad guy here, no one needs to do anything...


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