Be Glad This is Not Your Penis!

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 69 posts
12 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Here is a little thread that I like to call, Be Glad This is Not Your Penis. Periodically, I will update this thread with mating habits that will make men glad that they were born human. This is to help men build confidence and pride in their penis. Always remember, you were born better endowed than you think. You could have been born a...

First Penis To Be Glad Is Not Yours:
Honey Bee matting habits - 10,000 males service and slave over their virgin queen as she grows up
When she becomes mature enough to want sex, she chooses 1-2 dozen males of her choice and leads them out of the hive by seducing them with piping sounds
Once in the air, all of the males are screwed by the queen, she mounts their genitals one at a time
As each male orgasums, his genitals explode and snap off inside of the queen
The drones fall out of the sky after each one is screwed, and are left to die from crotch injuries
The young queen continues this till her vagina is stuffed and can no longer hold anymore slaughtered genitals
The queen then returns to the hive where her males continue to slave over her as she grows
For the next 2-7 years, the queen will lay more than her own body weight in eggs every day while the males do their best to keep her as comfortable as possible

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Posted 12 years ago
Think the praying mantis and the black widow spider do similar stuff.Kill the mate after mating.
Posted 12 years ago
This is absolutely repugnant.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Second Penis To Be Glad Is Not Yours:
Flat worm matting habits - all flat worms are he / she's
their penises are sharp and jagged at the end
when two flat worms mate, they sword fight with their razor sharp penises
the better swordsman of the two worms will gouge his penis into the other worm,
leaving large holes and wounds all over the other worm's body, as it fucks the worm's
flesh and injects its sperm into the weaker worm's blood stream

Skip to the third: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=7873&p=114777#p114777
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Second Penis To Be Glad Is Not Yours:
Flat worm matting habits - all flat worms are he / she's
their penises are sharp and jagged at the end
when two flat worms mate, they sword fight with their razor sharp penises
the better swordsman of the two worms will gouge his penis into the other worm,
leaving large holes and wounds all over the other worm's body, as it fucks the worm's
flesh and injects its sperm into the weaker worm's blood stream

Posted 12 years ago
C-Digg wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Second Penis To Be Glad Is Not Yours:
Flat worm matting habits - all flat worms are he / she's
their penises are sharp and jagged at the end
when two flat worms mate, they sword fight with their razor sharp penises
the better swordsman of the two worms will gouge his penis into the other worm,
leaving large holes and wounds all over the other worm's body, as it fucks the worm's
flesh and injects its sperm into the weaker worm's blood stream


.....Nothing else too say.. -zips mouth vomits sews eyes shut-
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Third Penis To Be Glad Is Not Yours:
In hyena packs, the females are larger, stonger and dominate.
When a male greets the alpha female, he does so by lifting a hind leg
and exposing an erection as a sign of submission.
How is an erection a sign of sign of submission you might ask?
This is considered a sign of submission, because if the alpha female is displeased with him,
she will bite off his penis, taking away his manhood and removing any chance of his stupidity / weakness
from carrying on to the next generations in her pack.

On a side note, just to give you an idea of how dominant female hyenas are: the female hyena's clitoris is 7 inches long, longer than the male hyena's penis; due to this sex tends to be very difficult / aggressive and hyenas start practicing at only a few months old

Skip to fourth: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=7873&p=115032#p115032

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