Lawsuit Against IMVU for Modifying Audio Items

by tkennedy · 77 posts
13 years ago in IMVU News
Posted 13 years ago
from my understanding, only ppl that bought tirgger music on december 2010 till' Today are gonna get back the credit's.

i don't get it, why n00b's gonna get they'r credit's and i don't? i bought my trigger music (like 100+ item's) 2009-And early-middle 2010

this is just not fair, it's hard to get money this day's and we desided to spend it on IMVU becuase we enjoy it.

it's just not fair, if they give credit's back they should give it to every single member that bought Trigger music.
the Excuse they said is: People that bought trigger music b4 the December 2010 can use it BUT it's limited to 20 Second's. WELL THANK'S FOR 20 SECOND'S SONG IMVU! WOOHOO WE ARE GOING TO PARTY TONIGHT!!

i hope you going to include this info Mr.Kennedy

Posted 13 years ago
Don Sam Stormrage wrote:
tkennedy wrote:
(attorney advertising)

I'm a lawyer in California. Earlier this week, my law firm filed a class action lawsuit against IMVU for reducing the playback time of audio items. Among other things, we're asking the Court to require IMVU to reimburse affected users for the money they spent on these items.

I'm interested in speaking with anyone who was affected by IMVU's behavior. If you or someone you know was affected, please message me. Or, feel free to call me directly at (312) 854-9706.

You can read the complaint at

Thank you,

Todd Kennedy, Esq.

(attorney advertising)

Hello, Mr. Kennedy. Welcome to the IMVU Mafias. I am Don Stormrage and I want to assure you that all we can do to help you will be done. Thank you, as this supports our cause greatly.

this is totally off topic but who here has played resident evil 4 and member when the little midget goes hello Mr. Kennedy <--- sorry back to topic yes thank you so much for supporting our cause :)
Posted 13 years ago
Just an update:

tkennedy wrote:
We have posted a form on our website so that IMVU users can let us know how they were affected. Please spread the word about this form.

Some people have been asking about the case number. It is 1-11-CV-193767 (California Superior Court, Santa Clara County).

Great work everyone!

We have made this case so popular, they had to put up their own form just to take in all of the information they are receiving.
Posted 13 years ago
I completely understand IMVU for shortening the songs - since its against the copy right just to use them that way. The thing that annoys me, is that I have spend ALLOT of credits on those songs, and I would really like to get those credits back - since they are now useless and to nothing. They just fill out your inventory, and all the fun has been taken away. So, the least I expect IMVU to is to give us back the credits we used on those songs, even if its predits, I just want my credits back. But the best they could do, would be to grant us actual credits so we can buy the music IMVU got right to.
Posted 13 years ago
LittleToxicMissTox wrote:
I completely understand IMVU for shortening the songs - since its against the copy right just to use them that way. The thing that annoys me, is that I have spend ALLOT of credits on those songs, and I would really like to get those credits back - since they are now useless and to nothing. They just fill out your inventory, and all the fun has been taken away. So, the least I expect IMVU to is to give us back the credits we used on those songs, even if its predits, I just want my credits back. But the best they could do, would be to grant us actual credits so we can buy the music IMVU got right to.

This is exactly what I have been saying all along. Just give the people ALL of their credits back regardless of when the music was bought, end of story, whole thing just goes away, If they are supposedly in the right, in their eyes anyway, why offer to refund for the last two months ? Surely that in itself is an admission of guilt.
Posted 13 years ago
About time something happened. Make it good, mate, that company's persistent.
Posted 13 years ago
Finally...I hate the fact my music triggers only play 20secs...
Posted 13 years ago
I am very glad to here there is a lawsuit against IMVU for this. I was very unhappy when they changed the sound thingy and then to hear that none of my boughten songs will work now? It angers me and I'm glad someone has the nerve to sue IMVU.
Posted 13 years ago
thats soooooooo great God bless u :)

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