--> Games I have played that are worth it (IMO)<---

by Nox · 5 posts
10 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 10 years ago · Author
1. The Last Of Us

Oh let me count all the ways in which I love this game. Just play it if you have a PS3. Seriously.

2. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

I have a gripe or two, but overall the most polished AC.

3. Dishonored

Tons of fun sneaking around.

4. Thief

More sneaking around fun but the ending completely blows. It's as if they didn't know how to end it or forgot about the ending until the night before release. Otherwise I enjoyed everything else about the game.

5. Beyond: Two Souls

This game caught a lot of flak due to it costing SO much to make and they didn't recoup that at all. I'm a David Cage fan because I understand his story telling style. The time line jumping didn't confuse or bother me like it did others.

6. Watch Dogs

Ok, so it has some glitches that are humorous but MAN! This game is tons of fun. I have beat the campaign and I still go back to play the side missions or just do the multiplayer.
And come on... T-Bone... M' F'kn Raymond Kenney. Best character in the game hands down.

7. Wolfenstein: The New Order

A solid shooter. Railing a polish chick so hard the pictures fall off the bunker walls is just a plus scene I suppose.
Posted 10 years ago
Beyond: Two Souls

I watched Jessy Cox do a play-through of it, needless to say, I wouldn't have enjoyed the game and have zero desire to play it. It was okay to watch...mostly because of Jessy but that's it. I can't stand quick time events and that "game" was nothing but QTEs...though I don't really consider it a game cause it was more of a film.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Never got into the AC franchise and #4 just felt like poking a dead horse to get a few more bucks out of it.

Watch Dogs

At first this game had me semi interested but now all this hype about it has turned me off. I like sandbox games where you have an open world that you can do many things in. So naturally this game interested me at first. BUt as with most games these days, I quickly loose interest and go back to being my boring old self writing code or digging around the internet.

I might pirate it just so I can take a look at the 3d world, cause to be honest, that's the only thing I'm interested in when it comes to sandbox games. If there was a game that was nothing but a giant city with lots of places to look at and all you could do was fly around it like a camera...I'd buy that, lol.

Also..call me conspiracy theorist...but I have this feeling that the game is nothing more than a ploy to get the dumb masses more comfortable with loss of privacy (I am a privacy nut). I hope I'm wrong but it wouldn't surprise me if that's what it was.
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Beyond Two Souls was more like an interactive film. I enjoyed that aspect of it

AC4 really is the best out of the series. I played the first one and liked it and I've heard good and bad things about 3. The gripe I have about 4 was the ending suddenly happened and you didn't expect it. I mean, you can still go back and finish the side missions, but I wanted to do that before completing the campaign.

Watch Dogs played a lot on todays events with a h4c|<7r group called "DedSec" which was just a renamed Anonymous, basically. I dont see it being an outlet for loss of privacy acceptance but more as a "it's happening to you right now and this could very well be the outcome" sort of message.

What about the other titles? Any thoughts?
Posted 10 years ago
Иø✖ wrote:
What about the other titles? Any thoughts?

Meh, they didn't really peak my interest. I've grown out of gaming for the most part. Mostly because I'm also dissatisfied with how the games industry operates today but also because I don't have disposable income to really throw at games so instead of wishing I could buy games or trying to afford them, I just stopped caring about them and focused on more important things.

I tend to read/watch news about games and the games industry more than I actually play games.
Posted 10 years ago · Author
I can see that train of thought. I still play them because I enjoy them. For awhile I had stopped gaming, but it's come back around in my life. Its why when an anticipated game comes out I play it as much as possible as fast as possible (I binge played AC4. All 40 something hours and then I worked an 8 hour shift. I slept like the dead after.)

That way I am not letting it take up more time than I feel it should.

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