IMVU Chat Logging

by Snowdine · 8 posts
5 years ago in Help & Requests
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Hey guys!
First of all, I want to say sorry for my bad english.

Well, I'm trying to log the chat from a specific room in IMVU, using
IMVUNext(web). Right now, I'm able to:
• Login
• Join a room
• Change seats
But when I was collecting some info from HTTP post/get, I noticed that
there is no data being sent through HTTP post/get, in Burp Suit.
How does the IMVUNext(web) client communicate with the server? Please,
someone give me a light xD

Already tried to look for some source in GitHub, as Von told me someone has
a source code with similar function, but no sucess.
Just noticed that there is a payload being receive in WebSockets tab(ZAP


The message is encrypted, does someone know how to decrypt? xD
Never mind, is base64, but messages seems separated by words O.o
Last edited by Snowdine on Thu May 16, 2019 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 5 years ago
i never enjoy joning imvu from the browser i like using the client easier
Posted 5 years ago
Ya I think its easier to use the client. :xmasornament:
Posted 5 years ago
Using the client is 10x better. Even mobile is a lot better than the web client, even with a good pc and internet it’s still really laggy
Posted 5 years ago
on phone i can not create so i must use the client from pc
Posted 5 years ago
Same ... I have never cared to dissect the web client because I have always viewed it as destined to die. It does not run well and no one likes it.

Try running wireshark while running the web client:
Posted 5 years ago
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
Same ... I have never cared to dissect the web client because I have always viewed it as destined to die. It does not run well and no one likes it.Try running wireshark while running the web client:

this is new for me let me see that
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
Same ... I have never cared to dissect the web
client because I have always viewed it as destined to die. It does not run
well and no one likes it.Try running wireshark while running the web

Its basically the same as mobile client.
But now I'm experiencing some limitations.
Login as a "mobile-client" doesn't allow you to boot people from mobile.
You can send *boot senderId targetId but it wont work if the target is on
mobile. I don't know why.

I know you guys are saying that desktop client is easier to do it, but
seems much complicated for me e_e.

-- Sun May 12, 2019 10:32 pm --

I've tried to (badly) send a xml post, but I'm receiving this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><methodResponse> <fault> 
<value> <struct> <member> <name>faultCode</name>
<value><int>30</int></value> </member> <member>
<name>faultString</name> <value><string>client error. invalid
authorization data for chat.bootOutOfChat.</string></value>
</member> </struct> </value> </fault></methodResponse>

"client error. invalid authorization data for chat.bootOutOfChat".

What kind of validation I should take note in the post method?

I have this:
Accept-Encoding: identity
Content-length: 1058
X-imvu-os: Windows
X-imvu-version: 536.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip
X-imvu-csid: 00000000
X-imvu-userid: 00000000
X_language_locale: pt
X-imvu-auth: 00000000
User-Agent: IMVU Client/536.0 Python-urllib/2.7
Content-Type: text

-- Mon May 13, 2019 12:43 am --

If I connect on imvu, and re-send the request via ZAP Proxy, it works, but
if I copy exactly same header, exactly same content, and send it, I get the
error. O.o

Any ideas?

-- Mon May 14, 2019 12:43 am --

Problem solved :)

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