Retired Dev(s)

Kupquake Katze
by Kupquake Katze · 6 posts
6 years ago in Catalog And Product Showcase
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Something that to this day grates on me, is finding a dev, or simply a small selection of products I love, but then the devs end up retired for whatever the reason may be. Anyway, I couldn't see another thread of this topic, so I'd like to start one for help with purchasing retired devs' products, if that is at all possible.

Specifically, I am looking for a way to buy products from the new retired devs "Ever" and "Alesia." I believe Ever has a new account (unless someone else is simply making identically-styled skins), but didn't upload her old products, which I am after. If anyone can shed light, it'd be greatly appreciated and hopefully others can gain use from this also, assuming there is a way to buy products from retired devs.

Posted 6 years ago
Not legally. Someone would have to plunder their old accounts products first, then remake their products. Most

people will not take the chance of getting banned for this!
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Ohhh ok. Well, that sucks! Thank you all the same. I guess I shall just have to forever curse IMVU with the "Y U NO..." face haha.
Posted 6 years ago
Question: Have you in your inventory Items by either of these Devs? If you do it will reflect thier new name changes for one thing if they have changed thier names. If the Dev is retired or deleted etc and you wish to find thier items again if you have a item of thiers that you like then click on it and open it up in the catty. Those items if you posses them should still be seeable by you. then click on Deviation of that item and see if someone made that product Drivable and go from there. If there is Drivables then I believe that "D" has a program on here that you can buy or Download that you can rip all the textures and maps from that item to redo from scratch.

It is hard to locate items of Designers/Creator/Devs when they have been retired or they have let thier VIP lapse if they were not grandfathered in when IMVU turned to the new Creating methods. My Characters were grandfathered in because I have been on IMVU as a Creator since 08 but then My newer Avatar of only 3 years I let her VIP lapse and her whole catty dissappeared from shop. The only way anyone can buy from it is if they know what they are looking for and I can send them the link to that specific item from her. It's alot of BS though I feel when so many worked so hard to place the items into the catty and then it all dissappears what should happen to those items is...!. If the dev is retired and has a catty then they would not be able to get the credits obviously but the credits should go to funding something or a raffle off to the top Devs for that year. So that the items may remain in the catty. 2. If the orginator had items that were meshers and thier accounts are disabled or retired those items then become Property of IMVU and well they make the profits for the Driv price.

T the end of 09 we saw a mass exodus of alot of Great Devs they moved to other platforms alot to SL (second Life) because there was more of a income to be made thier for those that wanted to get cash for thier craft then to have just a turn around in credits. There as well thier items are sold on various sites. Some of the Meshers from IMVU do sell thier items on Selfly so you may look there as well for your Devs to see if they continue thier work there.

I know it sucks as alot of it feel it is Bogus that even if your VIP lapses that they disable your catty which really is wrong as you payed thier fees and such to have that item be in the shop to be sold and then because you do not have VIP they pull it costing you your sells so what good did it do really to pay the deviation fees as well as IMVU taking thier cut in each item that you ell. They lose out as well as you do. makes no sense.

I myself looked in my inventory and I have nothing from either of those Creators to be able to pull up and look to see if they have had name changes or if they have deviations to that product so I hope for you the best and hopefully I have shed some light on what it is you seek.

ES :tlasmug:
Posted 6 years ago
Oh wow this is really helpful, thanks so much
Posted 6 years ago
Not legally. Someone would have to plunder their old accounts products first, then remake their products. Most

people will not take the chance of getting banned for this!

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