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- December 2012
saving credits while shopping as a vip
   Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:05 am

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saving credits while shopping as a vip

Permanent Linkby jimax on Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:05 am

my first day on IMVU Mafia was awsome!!! I posted another way on how to save or get discount that you don't always get on Imvu as a vip member.. i really hope people use it ...I encorouge all vip members check out this method and tell me about it.. and tell me if you had someproblem but dnot even try it if you are not a vip member..
here is the my method that I always use .. its my 1st post btw haha..

there is another way... im a creator on imvu i found a way to get 35% i believe off of anything on imvu shop but you need to follow step by step and im sure it will save you more money credits than any tip up there .. but it works only if u registered as a creator step:

1) find any item you like.
2)click on the more information hyperlink (view the product on your browser) . NOTE: look at the price before you proceed
3) click on derivation tree . NOTE: look at the price before you proceed
4) buy the item from the derivation tree page.

hope this gives me some kinda of reward on here.


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Re: saving credits while shopping as a vip

Permanent Linkby kingman23 on Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:07 pm

yeah so good little work done im hope work more get up t1 or t2 so imvu does not bug me or hit me with laysuit but imvu does banned people for copy some body product but it dev from imvu tree thay can not do anything about it becouse it not there owner right if thay can not protect there works of art if post thing online if somebody got problem talk to the creater im sure thay work something out, but some creater act like bots .
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