Posted 11 years ago
Are you a developer or somebody who works with products that contains lots of triggers? Do you hate manually typing out the triggers for use on your product pages or don't know what the triggers are? If so, I have the tool just for you.
Introducing the IMVU TLM (Trigger List Maker)! The IMVU TLM will automatically make a list of triggers from your product file(s). Simply point it at a folder where your product file is located and if it finds some triggers, it will make a list of them in a txt file for you.
Program Interface:

Example Output:

Example List:

IMVU TLM is currently on v2.0. If you have any suggestions or find a bug, please send me a private message or leave a post in this thread.
New in v2.0
Trigger lists are now named "IMVU Triggers for product [PRODUCT NAME HERE].txt"
CHKN files only appear once on the UI list
The number of triggers found for each product is now listed on the UI list
Double-clicking the output file name on the list will now open the file in your default text editor
The UI list now has color separation to easily and quickly spot separate CHKN files
Added recently loaded folders to the drop down menu
Misc internal code improvements

Like my tools? Want to help support me in making more?

Introducing the IMVU TLM (Trigger List Maker)! The IMVU TLM will automatically make a list of triggers from your product file(s). Simply point it at a folder where your product file is located and if it finds some triggers, it will make a list of them in a txt file for you.
Program Interface:

Example Output:

Example List:

IMVU TLM is currently on v2.0. If you have any suggestions or find a bug, please send me a private message or leave a post in this thread.
New in v2.0
Trigger lists are now named "IMVU Triggers for product [PRODUCT NAME HERE].txt"
CHKN files only appear once on the UI list
The number of triggers found for each product is now listed on the UI list
Double-clicking the output file name on the list will now open the file in your default text editor
The UI list now has color separation to easily and quickly spot separate CHKN files
Added recently loaded folders to the drop down menu
Misc internal code improvements

Like my tools? Want to help support me in making more?