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Drow Mating Habits by Don Von Alpha Dom on Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:40 am
Drow Mating Habits
(A look into a primarily female dominant race)


Drow - dark elves, a race of wild elves which was forced to live underground after loosing a war against fairies and elves in ancient times, driving them into caverns deep underground, an area known as The Underdark. They are slimmer and slightly shorter than other elven races. Their skin ranges from a dark midnight purple to obsidian black.

Images of drow:

Gender relations:

The Drow have much to fear and distrust in each other, which is, of course, by their own design. The dynamics of power in almost all Drow cities is handled by the females, female-dominated. In the underdark, there are 24 female dominant cities, 2 male dominant, and 1 homosexual male dominant, for a total of 27 drow cities. However, this article only covers the 24 female...

[ Continued ]

7 Comments Viewed 25001 times
.... by Kristina20 on Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:20 am
Liniste, prea liniste... imi plange inima

Ma afund in vis profund

Si tresar iar suspinand.

E dilema unui teribil destin

Zilele trec, zilele vin

In fiecare zi ce trece

M-am schimbat atat de mult

Viata m-a lovit prea mult

Niciodata n-am sa uit

Cand totul era minunat

Tot ce-aveam mai bun mi l-a luat

Dragostea si fericirea

Lasand in urma amagirea.

Noaptea pe bolta senina,

Am zarit o luna plina

Si un stol de stele albastre

Numai pe Pamant... Numai dezastre...

Nimic nu ma mai poate face sa zambesc...

Am ajuns sa sufar ca traiesc...

Nimeni in viata mea...

Nu ma intelege, nici nu vrea...

Am incercat de atatea ori

Sa privesc soarele din zori

Si sa-mi pun o dorinta,iar

Dar, a fost in zadar...

Nu am puterea nici sa mai sper

S-a stins si visul efemer....

Curg pe obrajii mei lacrimi rare

Dar sunt atat de amare...

Ele imi ard fata,

Ele sunt tot ce mi-a dat "viata"

Simt cu viata mi se scurge...

Si cum sufletu-n cet se stinge

Vad in jur...

[ Continued ]

1 Comment Viewed 4420 times
De-as putea... by Kristina20 on Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:08 am
De-as putea sa calc pe ceata
Si sa nu te mai iubesc
De-as putea sa n-am speranta
Ca o sa te reintalnesc

De-as putea sa gasesc vraja...
Ce o data ne-a legat...
De-as putea sadii iubirea...
Ce odata ne-a inzestrat...

De-as putea sa-mi scot...
Inima cu dor cu tot
De-as putea s-o pun in pieptul tau...
Si sa simti cum am simtit si eu...

De-as putea s-ajung la tine
Si sa te sarut usor...
De-as putea ca langa tine
Sa ma topesc de fericire
Si apoi... sa... mor...

1 Comment Viewed 9136 times
... by Kristina20 on Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:07 am

Suna clopotele'n noapte
Trezint amintiri pierdute...
Se sting pe cer stelele toate...
Lasand cerul sa le sarute...

Afara e pustiu si rece
Zace'n umbra un suflet gol
Peste pietre raul trece...
Lasand in urma un fior...

Suspina codru'n departare...
Suspina sufletul meu trist..
Ce murmura precum o floare...
Soapte de amor ca intr'un vis...

Autor: Cristina Paduraru ©

2 Comments Viewed 12153 times
IMVU Mafias Pep Song by Don Von Alpha Dom on Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:03 pm
We are the mafias of I-M-V-U
There's not a thing we can-not-do
Like Chuck Noris we know kung-fu
We're better than you

3 Comments Viewed 10653 times