
Alexandra <3
Capo da'General
Posts: 3566
Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:15 pm
Location: Boom boom boom on paraisooo
About Me: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

Hiiiiiii I am Alexandra.I love chocolate and ice cream.

I have an awesome life, but I choose not to live it and spend time on here instead.I also spend a lot of time on here hidding from the voices *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH GO AWAY YOU SCARE ME VOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!NNNNNNNNOOOOO!!!!I DON'T WANT ANY PIE!
*Alex has left and fled the country due to the voices* *But they followed her hehehe*

*last week my bellybutton started talking to me....and now I can't get it to shut up!!!!*

*Have you eaten and sock today?If not you should they have a lot of protein and fiber...mmmmmm....argyle and wool....*

*When it comes to driving,there is only one shade of green move!!!Also you do not need an invitation to move and green means go not stop and cause mass annoyance*

*Sometimes people just need some more lolz in their diet* *So lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol*

*Thank you thank you I will accept applause and I will be here all week!*

AleXXX <3
Relationship Status: In A Relationship
Sexual Orientation: Straight
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Medits: -2949.50

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