[S/T] IMVU Icon Ribbons
5 Dollars

IMVU Icon Ribbons
This icon pack includes the source files to 16 IMVU icon ribbons. These ribbons can be combined with text and placed on your IMVU product icons or anywhere else you would like to put them.


Please follow these simple rules:
-You are free to modify these icons and use them on IMVU.
-Please do not resell them or claim them as your own.
-If you modify these icons, please give me credit.

The IMVU icons included in the pack come in 3 formats editable in the following programs:
-PDN - Paint.net (http://www.getpaint.net/)
-PSD - Photoshop (http://www.photoshop.com/)
-XCF - GIMP (http://www.gimp.org/)

For more IMVU related products and freebies, please visit these websites:

Seller Info
  • Activity Level: 7151
  • Joined: Thu Jun 17th, 2010
  • Karma: 431