[S] Re-Seller Room - More than 30 Poses
400 Dollars

This is the re-seller version of a room, made for resale. It includes all of the original assets, the re-seller version of the chkn, 11 software programs needed for passing re-seller products; re-seller tips, tricks, and support.

Choose between the following rooms:

  1. Wild Night Sex Mansion (120 poses)
  2. Confessions of a 100 Pose Sex Mansion - 100 Poses

Delivery Time: 48 hours

Re-seller products come with additional steps, instructions, tips, tricks, are better coded, etc .... the stuff needed to prepare the product for resale and keep it safe during mass use across many accounts / customers.

Seller Info

  • Activity Level: 16155
  • Joined: Fri Nov 23rd, 2007
  • Karma: 317