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Fuck u and ur python the python is so bad. It’s slow. Throws exceptions when not neccesary. At least rust prevents ERRORS. Goofy ass tooly
U'r assuming a very wild thing here. No not even staff should be immune. Let me clarify this: No-one is immune to getting booted. This is a server side thing. U boot someone: API IMVU Receives call, performs database operation on your account and the room ban entry (temporarily if it's a boot), send...
lMAXl There are faster competitors. I’m not exactly s competitor since my stuff is an API that concludes of (name, room and outfit history) it has an efficient algorithm that allows it to scan every room with every participant on IMVU every minute. I see that my tracker is able to find almost every... is vip-only or (also reliable source) if that is not a solution. I suggest u can either build your own. For experienced programmers this is relatively doable, considering u have an understand how APIs work. If u read past the point of APIs and have no clue what I meant and neith...
Yes there are, but modt of them are kept out of the light for people, or are tools that require a fair level of experience in programming to tweak it to your needs or even get to use it.

Now whether u mean private messages or chat rooms chats is a different matter.