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depending on the day it can be 3-4 hours to 10 + hours. from doing fits and decorating rooms to long intense interactive sessions with friends and groups of friends , in the last year or so it haves lessen because the usaul bs drama and betrayals. but its not my first time dealing with just things o...
or can we just understand that for what ever reason its over! accept it they you them are over. what was said was said done is done. walk away. give it a rest. accept its over and move is long anuff to wastse your time trying to deal with someone that dont want you or your company .. it did ...
thats the question.. a friend of mine is being reported left and right on feed. for no good reason. so is there a way to know who is reporting you on feed. simple question. i hope there a good simple answer to it...

seems not so simple. no ones answering i hope sone one will.