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Yes, but can you make a wordpress site look professional? A few examples: ...
Truthfully, most wordpress sites look like blogs. Are you trying to attract blog readers? I won't question your knowledge about wordpress, but they aren't all alike. Wordpress delivers interested people the possibility to have their free blog site, including free host and a generated domain. That's...
I see, but that is a long wait. I made the following video in 2009 and just let it be. In the first year it got almost no recognition then at some point the views count exploded from about 3'000 views a month to 35'000. That is what manual google bombing ...
In the long run though, buying backlinks is unhealthy for your search results. It is better to build them naturally. I see, but that is a long wait. I made the following video in 2009 and just let it be. In the first year it got almost no recognition then...
2) Increase their ratings with an initial boost of good reviews. You can buy these initial views on fiverr cheap: 3) If the material is good, then the ratings will continue going up as real people notice them. Awesome thank you! I was thinking about hiring a white hat pro who may...
Hey everybody, as there are many talents among the members of this board, I wondered, if some of you have social media marketing experience or in fact study marketing. Because I need some help with a Youtube campaign that involves Twitter, Facebook and so on. If not interested, I'd appreciate some t...
That stuff is more complicated than I expected. I already had to do some research for adding a spoiler bbcode. 1) If you are using a theme not supported by the mod, this can break the mod 2) If you are using 2 mods with conflicting javascript, this can cause 2 mods to break each other 3) If the mod ...
Seems to be more work than it's worth, but I might get somebody to do it for me.
Opportunity costs = the profit you're losing, because you're doing something more worth your time, with an army as your backup though things should settled. :D