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Hey never knew yall could use programs to edit items I really need to get back into my creator bag Mfnbanks DataMine intention of making this software is to help new creator to see how it was created. For learning purposes to advance your creator skills….. We hope that you use this software wisely....
Hi everyone, I’m new to this website and have a question. Years ago, I had a program that allowed me to download map meshes from any creator. By entering the item number from the shop, I could get the entire map mesh, which I could then edit and modify as I liked. Unfortunately, this program no lon...
im trying to install IMVU lite, but it wont work and keeps giving errors and no matter what i try it just wont let me.@thessa33 NexNex Things to try. Completely uninstall imvu classic and all imvu you have in your computer. Download the imvu classic 548.0……install. Make sure you rename this on your...
Kuba-11 Thank you for participating on our forums…..if you have any question concern….feel free to let us know and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can…. Here is a brief Mafia history you might want to read:
. I totally agree with what you just said,,,,,depending on the circumstances i would spend the rest of my time being with the ones i love…. I know everyone would do the same if given the chance to know. Stay safe everyone! Enjoy the site!
NexNex wrote:
cant install IMVUlite, saying error creating file, gives me option to abort, cant figure out how to stop this and install lite.


Sorry can you explain further what you are trying to do….are you trying to install lite? Or are you having problem with your imvu?

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