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Rain - You are the Mother Hen. Typically a mother hen is quiet, reserved and often doesn't bother anyone. However, immediately when they sense danger potentially happening to their children, they riot and do whatever it takes to get them back.
In 7 days, King Falcon will release new unprecedented info for the entire mafia to see. This will clearly change the way everything has been so far.

LX Carisma - Then you are the Turtle. Like a turtle you have a sense of nobility to you, you are also sensetive though, crawling into your shell whenever you hear something you don't like. Ejo - You are not a butterfly. You a...
Guys, Ophiuchus or whatever its called was only misinterpreted in newspapers as a new zodiac sign. The person whom was interviewed was the leader of some astrological group or something and he mentioned that Ophiuchus could be a new zodiac sign, however it was never said that it was.
Stealing what? Someone using Ghoku's free VIP method...came to us with enough evidence to prove that either Ghoku stole $400 from his paypal account...or someone was able to take full control of Ghoku's computer and do it. That, and half of the votes for Ghoku were invalid for various reasons from ...