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Why even bother with her? I would just move on. If you like her stuff buy it and don't bother with talking to her or trying to be friends. If you want her to work on something for you just send her a message or try sending her a message and let her know you sent along a friends request etc...
Welcome to the family BLVCKED, Look around and if you need any help just give out a shout out and someone will get back to you.
Its really sad to see the numbers dropping in vu. and the people that are there for most don't hang around like they use to. If there on an hr there doing good. Im really not sure vu will last very long if better changes are not made and better attitude are not given back to players. I have seen a b...
Few days ago I couldn't log into the vu create app on there website. I talked to vu and they said it was there problem for me to try again later. The whole site keeps getting new stuff added and changed. Most of my stuff on the site don't work and I have vip. Waist of money. They want to force you i...
I don't think he should send them any info until they ask for him to send it in though. Doing it before they ask might make them think he is just playing the system. They might still be running an full investigation of what's going on. Its sad that so many are losing accounts and many are people tha...
I think website could get a good law suit over this if in fact they are Invasion your Privacy with out good cause. Look up.. What Is Invasion of Privacy? Also Can Teams admin see private chats? Yes. The Global Administrators and the People with the Administrator role can easily check your private ch...
i think untill people stop supporting vu shop like they use to vu wont listen to the people who keep there site running. Its not the kids on the site that keep vu going its the older adults with money lol When you get surveys to fill out from VU, fill them out and tell them what you want and how you...
Im really sorry you are being treated like that shy. You know its everyone across the board that are being treated like that. Even the veteran players who work for imvu free or so called free. They may get a few gifts or credits here and there but nevertheless they are getting the creap like the res...