Posted 14 years ago · Author
you want to shutdown your friend Computer...!
I say you how make that

1. Go to your desktop.
2. Right click the desktop, go to new ... and make a shortcut.
3. first step that must be done after you do this shortcut is to write the following code shutdown -s -t 10 -c "TEXT(text that will appear friend who sends this file)" in this location of shortcut "Enter the location of the item"
No. 10 is the closing time .. you put your computer while you! and Next..
4. after you put a name given next file that your friend does not realize that is something else besides what you want to send and Finish
5.after you finally gave that right click on your code did change icon
and then send the code .... friends .... after it opens depends on the number of seconds to put a computer are shut

for more information contact me here on the forum