How many followers do you have?

by Juancito · 37 posts
3 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 2 years ago

My account is new so around 50? I got to meet new people lol
Posted 1 year ago
I have just over 1000 subscribers now. However, this is just the beginning.
Last edited by HaroldWood on Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posted 1 year ago
Even though IMVU claims there are six (probably one will have deleted his account), there are actually only five.
Four of which are people who had sent me a friend request that I had initially accepted but then removed.
I assume they don't even know how to remove the follow or that they didn't realize they were still following me.
Posted 1 year ago
10 Following

If I had the patience and cared about it enough, I'd individually block and unblock the people on the followers list so I can keep the numbers true. I've never paid any attention to the followers thing tho, so it's not a big deal.
Posted 1 year ago
I've got 1,292 Followers and Following 985. My Instagram followers I have 133 and I follow 178. I'm not as active on Insta but I try to post every now and again.
Posted 1 year ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Wow, and meanwhile I thought having 16 friends was a little too much lol.:awesome11:
Posted 1 year ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

I knew it! I had absolutely no doubts about that.

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