Posted 12 years ago · Author
Well family, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is, our database of knowledge has grown so much so fast as of late, our server is unable to handle it; causing lag, crashes, and down time. The good news is, our database has seen so much growth so fast, faster than I can optimize it. Good work guys. Keep it up.


There is nothing to worry about. We are planing to shut down the site for a day while our scientists do some deep optimization of the structure of our database and how it runs. This may or may not include buying a new server to handle 130% increase in traffic we have seen over the past week. Again, good work family. Expect this down time to happen within the next 24 hours and to last between 3 and 48 hours. We will be putting up a temporary version of watchbot that you do not have to login to our site to use. Our custom versions of the client (IMVULite & T3DE) will continue to work during this time. Our staff will still be within reach over skype and through email @

Keep inviting more friends and family to our beloved site; together we will earn more credits than we ever could have alone.

Visual of what our server/database is going through right now: