what web browsers do you use?

by Caleidanna · 40 posts
1 year ago in Off Topic
Posted 1 year ago · Author

i wanna know what web browsers the mafia uses and why bc theres alot that exist and claim to be better than the next. usin' more than one browser is the norm bc some are just better for different uses than others and i wanna hear your reasons too. the top things i look for are security, privacy and ease of use

as of now, i been usin' firefox as my main, tor for the anonymity features, and brave for the ad blockin'

i thought about usin' brave as my main but bc after changin' some settings, i cant even log in to imvu so if you have tips on how to still have secure settings in brave or in any browser while usin' imvu, lemme hear it!

Posted 1 year ago
I use Opera GX as my main. Chrome takes up more RAM.
Posted 1 year ago
I used firefox in my past and i loved that. I was using it to attach my favourite porn sites etc etc and was very usefull :) But then i turned to Opera cause it was own VPN and then everythings slowed and chrome came then i started to Chrome. I am using Chrome and i can tell about Chrome my favourite ^^ If you claim and say about something better than that please tag me topic. Thank you
Posted 1 year ago · Author


i just looked up opera gx and i think the added features should be mainstays on the regular opera. gonna check it out more bc it looks unique so thx for sharin'


you only ever used firefox and never tried a different browser?


when i used the vpn in opera i dont remember it bein' slow just not alot of locations to choose from. was the speed of opera the only reason you left it to use chrome? also, what makes chrome your fav?

Posted 1 year ago

Banks, lenders, credit card companies, and utility companies block your connection if you've got too much security running. My chrome security prevents them from scanning and identifying me and they don't like that.


I think Chrome is best and FireFox is a close second. I'd rather use Chrome for everything, but can't.

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