A Convo With A Noob :D

by JoeyEx · 24 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Warning, this chat contains some...language :D
I had it few mins ago, me and my friend were sitting in my room when this noob came--

Guest_audixxx1has joined the chat
Guest_kellzii: lmao
Guest_audixxx1: hi girls
Me: There is only 1 girl
Me: And its not me
Me: You are not welcome in my room, of-the-lower-race.
Guest_audixxx1: aham sorry
Guest_kellzii: lol
Guest_audixxx1: fuck u man
Me: Watch your language, boy.
Guest_kellzii: dude you shouldntve said that
Guest_kellzii: wannabe gangster
Guest_Carefacepuz has joined the chat
Guest_audixxx1: wanna fight i didnt have a problem
Me: Hehe...you're amusing
Guest_Carefacepuz has left the chat
Guest_khvkdfhv has joined the chat
Me: Lets see what you got
Guest_audixxx1: do some think that i dont like and u will see
Guest_audixxx1: do if u want
Me: Nice English, kid.
Me: Now if you could just say it in other words..
Me: That I might understand
Guest_khvkdfhv has left the chat
Guest_audixxx1: who many lauish u know
Guest_kellzii: o-o
Guest_audixxx1: oinly english fuckl u
Me: Wow, I bet you're English grade is A++
Guest_kellzii: lol
Guest_kellzii: lame
Me: Oh, I see now.
Me: I know 3 languages
Me: If that's what you mean
Guest_audixxx1: u know only english u are kid
Guest_kellzii: you cant even speak english properly audi
Guest_audixxx1: 4 languages
Guest_kellzii: so go and cuss somewhere else
Guest_audixxx1: i am not talking 2 u girl
Guest_kellzii: well i am
Guest_Matthewjamesmartin has joined the chat
Guest_audixxx1: talk with your self
Guest_audixxx1: like the dog
Guest_kellzii: i thought you are the dog here
Guest_kellzii: and since when can dogs talk?
Guest_audixxx1: so yookha do u will do some think
Guest_Matthewjamesmartin has left the chat
Guest_kellzii: O-o
Guest_audixxx1: that i dont like it
Guest_kellzii: ey joey
Me: Dont like what?
Guest_kellzii: a boot would be nice
Me: Sorry, I lagged
Me: Nah, he's too amusing (:
Guest_kellzii: its okay
Guest_kellzii: uh oh
Guest_audixxx1: so
Guest_audixxx1: ia mwaitinig
Guest_kellzii: the worst english speaker ever
Me: For what?
Guest_audixxx1: do u want
Guest_audixxx1: i will told u
Guest_kellzii: i think he wants to tell u something
Guest_audixxx1: open your leg
Guest_audixxx1: and i will put my dick in your ass
Me: .....I'm loling so hard
Guest_kellzii: same
Guest_kellzii: want to feel my leg?
Me: I'm sorry but I'm not gay
Guest_audixxx1 has left the chat

That was pretty amusing xD
We tryed to invite him again, but he declined...lolz
Posted 14 years ago
Posted 14 years ago
Posted 14 years ago
LOL, such poor grammar...he needs grammar lessons.
Gives me a good laugh. :lol:
Last edited by Kaori on Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Haha gotta love noobies.
They're the main reason I'm hanging in the same place, they just come in, and talk bullshit, amuses me.
Posted 14 years ago
Hmm..but you don't know what they go through. Being ignored, being booted for no reason, being abused, list just goes on & on.
Posted 14 years ago
Posted 14 years ago
LOL :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
lol :D

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