IMVULite [Updated 04-18-2024]

by DataMine · 1476 posts
12 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 12 years ago
I am about to download IMVU lite and try it out I will post about it when I am done and give you guys feedback of my experience. :)

-- Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:54 pm --

I followed the instructions perfectly and got it up and running, seems to work fine for me.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Tymon wrote:

Should we be worried about this?

Well IMVULite is free, we don't charge you for it, and it doesn't bypass anything. The only thing it does is remove some code that deals with ads and adds code to make the pet play by itself. It doesn't allow you to steal anything or get things for free.
Posted 12 years ago
Tymon wrote:

Should we be worried about this?

Nope. They have no way at all of tracking people who use IMVULite because we removed all of IMVU inc's spyware and tracking code from it.
Posted 12 years ago
Does this thing force you to use the auto play with pet scripts? Because, to be honest, I try to avoid promo credits now that they are spent last.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Tymon wrote:
Does this thing force you to use the auto play with pet scripts? Because, to be honest, I try to avoid promo credits now that they are spent last.

Yes, it forces it. But if you don't want them then just don't open the pet tab.
Posted 12 years ago
Ah so it only forces it if you actually open pets mode. Fair enough. I was thinking it'd play with the pet even if it wasn't open. Thanks for the clarification!
Posted 12 years ago
I have a question, I have installed and been using IMVULite, but I have not opened it because lately I have been inactive from IMVU and the forums here as well. I am back now though, and I opened IMVULite to play and it says an update is avalible. Should I avoid this update? If I do the update I fear it might bring the client back to normal and bring back the ads and tracking stuff.
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Sheldor wrote:
I have a question, I have installed and been using IMVULite, but I have not opened it because lately I have been inactive from IMVU and the forums here as well. I am back now though, and I opened IMVULite to play and it says an update is avalible. Should I avoid this update? If I do the update I fear it might bring the client back to normal and bring back the ads and tracking stuff.

Yes, updating will remove IMVULite. The new client version doesn't add anything really worthwhile.
Posted 12 years ago
Thank you, that is what I figured. I have denied the update.

-- Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:14 pm --

I just got this error while on IMVU and I figured I would post it in here. I use your IMVULite client so I want to report this I have no idea why it happened. Sorry if this is not the place to post this either. Please move it as you see fit.

Anyhow I was in the client and I decided to go to a random chat room so I found one that looked cool, clicked on it to go in and then the client closed and I got this error with the option to report to IMVU or exit, and I clicked exit just because I am not going to report anything to them involving your client. Here is the error message I got.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main\clientapp.pyo", line 915, in runClientApp (<9 arguments omitted>)
  File "main\clientapp.pyo", line 813, in runMainLoop (avatarwindow=<module 'imvu.avatar...t__.pyo'>, serviceProvider=<imvu.service.Servic...03BA8D50>)
  File "imvu\task\EventPump.pyo", line 72, in runApp (self=<imvu.task.EventPump...03BA8F70>)
  File "util\thread.pyo", line 129, in runApp ()
DisallowedCppException: std::exception: Assert unsigned(insetPos.x + insetRect.x) <= original.width() && unsigned(insetPos.y + insetRect.y) <= original.height()((0, 0), (146, 75), (256, 64)): file c:\cygwin\home\buildmeister\makerelease\stable\source\imvumodel\pix\pixfunctions.cpp, line 30, lastError 0
C++ Stack:
  (PYTHON26.DLL#0abcd2a9d25e4e8ab80506bee79b65e61!001fd8e0, pc=1e1fd8e0)
  (PYTHON26.DLL#0abcd2a9d25e4e8ab80506bee79b65e61!0006b60c, pc=1e06b60c)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!0000d590, pc=01d0d590)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!00015939, pc=01d15939)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!0001588d, pc=01d1588d)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!000155a6, pc=01d155a6)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!000167de, pc=01d167de)
  (_libzero.pyd#3feb8d27e316429f8824631ad738b3331!0000e566, pc=03abe566)
  (_libzero.pyd#3feb8d27e316429f8824631ad738b3331!0000e647, pc=03abe647)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!0001599a, pc=01d1599a)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!0001619d, pc=01d1619d)
  (boost_python.dll#d3a338d185df445e894927dfbce4a1ff1!0000e0b8, pc=01d0e0b8)
  (_avatarwindow.pyd#977e8e34d93c4f728c1208b2f82634ac1!00018690, pc=01f28690)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!0005aa04, pc=0213aa04)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!0005a82f, pc=0213a82f)
  (USER32.dll#d18a41b74e7f458caaac1847e2d8bf022!00008a10, pc=7e418a10)
  (ntdll.dll#cefc0863b1f84130a11e0f54180cd21a2!0000e473, pc=7c90e473)
  (USER32.dll#d18a41b74e7f458caaac1847e2d8bf022!00018eec, pc=7e428eec)
  (USER32.dll#d18a41b74e7f458caaac1847e2d8bf022!00018ea0, pc=7e428ea0)
  (USER32.dll#d18a41b74e7f458caaac1847e2d8bf022!00008816, pc=7e418816)
  (USER32.dll#d18a41b74e7f458caaac1847e2d8bf022!00008734, pc=7e418734)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!000695d8, pc=021495d8)
  (CallStack.dll#cfd5af2d16ae4ebba08391f1f17f12161!00001428, pc=01d41428)
  (CallStack.dll#cfd5af2d16ae4ebba08391f1f17f12161!00001b21, pc=01d41b21)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=0012e900)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=0012d894)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!00083462, pc=78b23462)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!00083989, pc=78b23989)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!00083d7a, pc=78b23d7a)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!00084105, pc=78b24105)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!000842e1, pc=78b242e1)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!000831cb, pc=78b231cb)
  (ntdll.dll#cefc0863b1f84130a11e0f54180cd21a2!000032a8, pc=7c9032a8)
  (ntdll.dll#cefc0863b1f84130a11e0f54180cd21a2!0000327a, pc=7c90327a)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!000153f5, pc=78ab53f5)
  (ntdll.dll#cefc0863b1f84130a11e0f54180cd21a2!0000e48a, pc=7c90e48a)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=00000092)
  (kernel32.dll#072ff0eb54d24dfaae9d13885486ee092!00012afb, pc=7c812afb)
  (MSVCR100.dll#4af0418db82041e8960119fac31002382!0002776d, pc=78ac776d)
  (zero.dll#456e21ea772a442f9afb768490905c0d1!000019f2, pc=020b19f2)
  (imvumodel.dll#9686d6e425034475941b735a5dfbb34d1!00002613, pc=021d2613)
  (imvugecko.dll#3d1444b3f9f14c318dd2c0e3862054f21!00004dbf, pc=02e74dbf)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=12adcd50)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=12adcd50)
  (imvugecko.dll#3d1444b3f9f14c318dd2c0e3862054f21!00004e74, pc=02e74e74)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=0d270630)
  (imvugecko.dll#3d1444b3f9f14c318dd2c0e3862054f21!000065ea, pc=02e765ea)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!0004b27e, pc=0212b27e)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=00000000)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!0004ac91, pc=0212ac91)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!0004ac69, pc=0212ac69)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!000464be, pc=021264be)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!000684f0, pc=021484f0)
  (SceneWindow.dll#9f2e947fdeb14accbdf6364f48c5ddeb1!00069401, pc=02149401)
  (<unknown>#00000000000000000000000000000000!00000000, pc=00000000)

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