Registeration/Login Using Flash!

Error 404
by Error 404 · 6 posts
13 years ago in Flash
Posted 13 years ago · Author
I have an assigenment for anyone who is free and would to like to try this challange. I am making one myself. Let's see how much different is yours from mine. It's a great challance. I will finish by monday coding the PHP, and the flash. Yes! Flash!

I will be using flash to login to the website. It s a neat trick and a great deal.
Posted 12 years ago
heathersboy17 wrote:
i figure im a tad bit late for this.
but login to what? IMVU or TIM?

He won't answer you. We banned him back in November of 2011 for hacking fellow staff members, being racist towards members, and leaking info onto another site.
Posted 12 years ago
heathersboy17 wrote:
i figure im a tad bit late for this.
but login to what? IMVU or TIM?

I am pretty sure he meant the Imvu website. Even though he's banned, you can still try it out. It would be valuable knowledge for us to have if you figure it out.

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