Webbrowser cryptominer (monero + javascript) tutorial

by v1rtu0z · 5 posts
6 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Hello guys! Today I'll show you how to embed a monero miner in your websites easily using coinhive. https://coinhive.com/

1. Go to https://coinhive.com/ and login or register a new account.
2. Once connected go to documentation tab.
3. Now click on simple miner UI
4. Scroll a little bit and you'll see a html + JS code:
<script src="https://authedmine.com/lib/simple-ui.min.js" async></script>
<div class="coinhive-miner"
    style="width: 256px; height: 310px"

Nice! Now we need our public key.
5. Go to Settings -> Sites and API keys
6. Copy your Site key (public) into the code (data-key variable).
<script src="https://authedmine.com/lib/simple-ui.min.js" async></script>
<div class="coinhive-miner"
    style="width: 256px; height: 310px"

7. Now your miner is ready, just copy paste it into your website.

- This tutorial works in imvu pages
- Adblock block the miner
- Monero is using your processor to mine, check docs bellow
- You can share your public key, but don't share your secret key.

Cryptocurrency?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency
Monero? : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monero_(cryptocurrency)
Mining? : https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/crypto ... ining.html

Help me mining some monero :) https://authedmine.com/media/miner.html ... dMdGn7G91w
Posted 6 years ago
It's not a scam, lots of sites have been discovered doing this. It's really shitty because it eats up your cpu and bandwith and most sites won't tell you about it. Most people frown upon using this as they should.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Adryan wrote:
as far as i know Cryptocurrency is mined only with the gpu or cpu or with special hardware not with the browser.wherever u found that it's more likely a scam.
It is using javascript and your cpu too. Coinhive is using a algorithm called cryptonight. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/CryptoNight

Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
So few people visit IMVU profile homepages now adays. How much traffic have you seen with this on an IMVU homepage?
Yea of course, but it was just an example. We can use it in any webpage ^^

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