Market Safety Reminder

by DataMine · 116 posts
6 years ago in Mafia Market
Posted 4 years ago
Agree and respect that
Posted 4 years ago

Totally agree with your approach in finding the right seller.

-- Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:15 am --


Mahalo DataMine for the tips and guidelines to protect us.

-- Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:19 am --


I'm new here and I appreciate your recommendation and experience here. I've been surfing these posts and have found this place is very helpful.

-- Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:22 am --


Well I won't forget your name as someone that has been recommended as a trusted merchant. :dancingbannana:
Posted 4 years ago
I agree that and I will respect all to buy goods for Mafias ty so much

-- Sat May 16, 2020 3:56 pm --

I agree and acknowledge and abide
Posted 4 years ago
Awesome Read and acknowledged and signed
Posted 4 years ago
thank you for this :)

-- Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:49 pm --

Awesome Read and acknowledged and signed Uzumaken
Posted 4 years ago
Thank you DM I will be safe in making transcations with sellers from market. I will be mindful to be observant of the Karma and only buy through the PM system only which is awesome! Read and acknowledged by Traballstars
Posted 4 years ago
this is good to know, thanks for always looking out for the better.
this site is awesome and takes care of its members. i dont sell BM product but i do create customs
but this is great advice about buying and selling third party, its very easy to get scammed these days thanks for the heads up! always informative. i really appreciate that
Posted 4 years ago


acknowledged, makes sense. thanks for this.
Posted 3 years ago
Awesome, thanks !

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