VCOIN - New IMVU Currency

by AllMight · 27 posts
3 years ago in IMVU News
Posted 3 years ago
It's not necessarily "useless" as you claim. It can actually be beneficial for everyone IF they implement it well enough. It certainly will be if they allow people to use VCOIN in shop, as well as other parts of their ecosystem (buying badge tiles, perks, etc). For as long as the price of it remains stable as they hope and they do the things mentioned in this post, giving a true alternative to credits, then this is something everyone should actually want.
One reason being: imagine if you buy a lot of credits. After X amount of time, you get disabled and IMVU doesn't give you your account back. We all know how that goes, you're out an account and money you spent on those credits. With VCOIN, you can simply withdraw those tokens after the 30 days, and if your account is disabled while your funds are out, you pretty much only lost an account, not the money you spent (unlike with credits).
As for "costs you more money" - it doesn't cost them anything. In fact, it could allow them to generate even more money than ever before IF they generate enough demand and liquidity for VCOIN. Judging by their wallet, I can assume they're going to be in control of the majority of the supply, which there's 12.5 billion tokens minted already, evaluated at 50 million dollars (not saying that it's actually worth that amount), they just have to create enough demand and a liquid market(s) for that.
I'm not here saying VCOIN will be the best thing because I have plenty of concerns of my own; I hope they'll be addressed, However, I don't think it deserves to be instantly knocked. If they use it correctly, it could drastically improve the platform.
Posted 3 years ago
Its strange how the world is changing right before our eyes and currency is one of the big changes taking place right now. For young people growing up the change will be easy for them to ease into the new changes but a lil more suspicious and glitchy for the rest of us I think. Change is never easy and comes with a lot of trial and era. :panda33:
Posted 3 years ago
Vcoins should be the primary game coins and promo credits should be removed
Posted 3 years ago
convert virtual currency to real money
Posted 3 years ago
IMVU Post on: Learn how to get your VCOIN Uphold Account up and running!
Please note that there is a 10% transaction fee per "exit" on Uphold. To learn more about Uphold's exit fee, please visit Uphold's Support.
Hmmm You didn't know you was going to have to share your money did you? Its alot to post so here is the link to IMVU if you like to read the entirety.
You will need an Uphold Account if you want to convert your VCOIN into cash.
Posted 3 years ago

Can you elaborate on this a little more :o ?

-- Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:51 am --

This add on to the game was beyond underwhelming for me tbh, however I am eager to learn more about it :( I just wish IMVU would focus on giving us better graphics/game-play similar to second-life, cause this game has so much potential, and isn't doing anything about it, besides leaving everything to us creators to make new stuff. Granted us creators have done amazing stuff to the game, but IMVU could meet us halfway with that, and make the game overall more enjoyable by adding better game-play, like open-world, houses, open-world locations, etc. The whole V-COIN stuff really wasn't wanted :( , the game is literally 13 and up, and since quarantine and lot more kids have started playing/came back to the game, and what would they do with V-COIN lolll.... They'd rather want new stuff to the game, like we all do :( However I'm hearing that V-COIN might be cool for us creators? so I'm looking to hear more about that.
Posted 3 years ago
imvu will not do any thing to please users all what imvu looking for is money out of users pockets and i think that vcoin was created to have more investments into the game out from users pockets
Posted 3 years ago
I think VCOIN it was just a way to take advantage of our money ...Doesn't sound interesting
Posted 3 years ago
Actually Vcoin would take over credit soon and it would definitely replace IMVU credits in future

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