Should I release? PT2

by Toolyx · 6 posts
2 years ago in Python
Posted 2 years ago · Author
This is a proof of concept / prototype so far! I would like to develop a UI & integrate more features if released.


║ › Local Hosted API
║Collect data such as ---> username, outfit, log-time, chat-messages & actions from chat rooms you visit every session.
║All the data will be easily accessible and organized into categories in the UI.
║API calls are also simple and without a rate limit.
║ › Auto Mode
║ A toggle on/off feature for auto-welcome and auto-reply.
║ This feature will be able to send custom messages if it detects any set-words of your own in chat.
║ Welcome every user that joins the room with a custom message as well.
║ › Connected To Discord
║ Run discord commands in IMVU-chat to discord. For example, $play (song-name).
║ Every-single room you visit, the chat will be logged to a discord-channel of your choice.
║ Send messages to a channel using the bot prefix in the IMVU-chat
║ › Chat-spammer / IP-logger
║ Toggle custom message to be spammed.
║ Auto sends everyone in the room an IP-grabber link.
║ Message everyone in the room a custom message.

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Posted 2 years ago
This looks pretty dope

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