Dreams Of You
I lay alone in bed at night, my mind wanders to and fro.
Dim lights, soft sounds fill the air of the streets so far below.
I close my eyes and think of you and smile from ear to ear.
The thoughts and worries that filled my day begin to disappear.
I hear your words, I feel your touch, my love for you runs deep.
My heart skips a little more for you, as I slowly drift to sleep.
Within your hands you hold my heart, my gift to you to keep.
So treasure it and hold it close and never let it go,
And to you I'll always faithful be, but this I'm sure you know.
But even with the distance that keeps you far away,
No matter what the reasons...in my heart and dreams you'll stay.
My love for you will always be until my dying day.
No man, no rule, no hgher force will break us or take our love away.
So in my sleep, I hear your words, so softly in my ear
"Sweet dreams my love, Te Amo Mucho, I love you more my dear".


Darkest Fantasy
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If I could do it all over again....

Permanent Linkby Darkest Fantasy on Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:35 pm

Have you ever thought to yourself, "If I could do it all over again..." ?

So many times I've been asked this, to which I take a moment to contemplate the question, and then smile and reply "Although I'm not necessarily proud of everything that I did, I consider everything I did a stepping stone to which the final step will be to whom I will have become. Disappointments and regrets should not be looked down upon, but rather thought of as learning experiences to which we gain knowledge and empowerment and we become more of whom we portray ourselves to be."

I may not have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I consider myself very lucky to have been raised in the manner I was. I was raised by an older set of morals, those of my grandparents, as well as an appreciation for so many things that most just take for granted today. I was taught that when it's our time to leave this life, the only thing that we will take with us is what we hold deep within us, not the material objects one may obtain along the way. With this in mind, I learned at a very young age to treat others as I wished to be treated as well as to give respect to those that were older and to those that truly deserved and earned respect. On the contrary, I was also taught to hold my tongue in a negative situation for one should never lower themselves down to the level of the op poser but rather hold your head high, smile while keeping eye contact, and command respect by the way one carries themselves.

When contemplating the question put forth, I can't help but think of all of the various things that I have accomplished, the people that I became acquainted with, the places that I traveled to at a young age, and consider myself very fortunate when some that I know haven't even traveled outside of their area, met anyone of importance or of influence, and some have barely finished their education let alone accomplished what was practically unheard of at the time I did it or looked down upon due to sexist oppression.

Some of us strive so hard to change the world but never accomplish much and very seldom feel any satisfaction in what they do accomplish. I'm realistic in the fact that I know that one person cannot achieve the unattainable, but that does not mean that one person cannot make a contribution towards a more positive change. We learn by example and it is our responsibility as adults to set the example for future generations. How difficult is it for a person to smile at someone, say good morning, hold a door for someone, or help someone that is struggling with a heavy box or similar? I think that the people of today need to take a step back for a moment and truly look at what is considered important and why. Too many today can't seem to separate necessities from luxuries and far too many have let the simple things slip through the cracks in their pursuit of unrealistic dreams or goals. I agree that we must change with the times, but we also need to take a step back every now and then and just appreciate life. If we don't, before we know it, our lives will have passed us by and we will be left wondering where the time went and asking ourselves that very question of, "If I could do it all over again..." .

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