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- August 2023
trouble with the imvu staffers
   Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:15 am

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trouble with the imvu staffers

Permanent Linkby steve5112 on Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:15 am

I want to make a follow-up on a comment I made over a year ago. it has to do with staffers at imvu. I know a lot of people out there have had the same problem I've had and that's being targeted and made sport of with your dealings on Imvu. I went all-in on this one and risked everything because I'd rather lose it all or gain something other than their status quo. after an account was taken down for no other reason then their carelessness and hasty decision making, it was time to go to war . I make sure I new the individuals that were helping me through the help tickets. I told these candy nosed people if they didn't back off and leave me alone I was going to seek them out in a personal defamation of character lawsuit. this is not suing Imvu doing that would be pointless and stupid but as an individual that is harassing you, yes you can don't let anybody tell you different.
once I drove the point home with some very sharp but creative language I was able to put a scare into...

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