<marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="2" hspace="5" width="469" height="78">
<style type="text/css">
#xtended_dev_panel_header{ text-align:left; background-color: transparent; }
#xtended_dev_panel_header{ color: #000000; }
#xtended_dev_panel_body{ background-color: transparent; }
#xtended_dev_panel {
margin-bottom: 20px;
border: 0px #CCCCCC;
<div style='display:none'>Extended New Products Panel generated @ <a href='http://gaf210.imvustylez.net'>gaf210.imvustylez.net</a></div><script type='text/javascript' src="http://gaf210.imvustylez.net/newprodsbanner/filtered_dev_panel.js.php?dev_id=YOUR ID HERE&pn=new&q=7"></script>
Place your id on this line in the above code:
http://gaf210.imvustylez.net/newprodsbanner/filtered_dev_panel.js.php?dev_id=YOUR ID HERE
Okay this is the updating scrolling products code that i found to work for me. I'm not a coding person so maybe someone here can tweak it. I highlighted in red where you must insert your Avi ID #'s. FYI it only posts GA products and does take a couple weeks to update from the time a prod passes review, but it does update. I must also credit GAF210 for the extended new products code which i used. Hope this helps someone.
Last edited by
DataMine on Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
fixed a slight code error. Moved code to codebox.