Has Anyone Used the New Creator Education Center?

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 8 posts
8 years ago in Basic Creator Help

What do you think of the new creator education center?

I approve No votes
Neutral 75%
I preferred the old one No votes
They could have done better 25%
Posted 8 years ago · Author
New Creator Education Center?


Old Creator Education Center?


The new creator center seems to divide and categorize tutorials based on the type of creator you are:
Painter - someone who makes textures
Animator - someone who makes objects move
Avatar Creator - someone who makes avatars
Builder - someone who makes everything
Mesher - someone who makes rooms or furniture
Game creator - someone who makes and programs games
Posted 8 years ago
What I have to download in this page? I mean... I'm usually don't trust about to dowloading something by them in my com.
Posted 8 years ago
Axiom wrote:
What I have to download in this page? I mean... I'm usually don't trust about to dowloading something by them in my com.

You don't have to download anything, it's just a repository of tutorials and guides. They do offer an installer that installed plugins and things for 3ds max but it's optional.
Posted 8 years ago
D.M wrote:
Axiom wrote:
What I have to download in this page? I mean... I'm usually don't trust about to dowloading something by them in my com.

You don't have to download anything, it's just a repository of tutorials and guides. They do offer an installer that installed plugins and things for 3ds max but it's optional.

most of thir tutorials are crap anyway, if not all lol
Posted 8 years ago
Axiom wrote:
What I have to download in this page? I mean... I'm usually don't trust about to dowloading something by them in my com.

I agree I don't trust downloading from their site anymore....but i look at it sometimes....just to know whats new.. :wave: :wave: :wave:
Posted 7 years ago
Meh. I'm a little late to the party but: the new layout is rather pointless / borderline terrible. Several of those sections completely overlap with each other (as in, they show the exact same links to the same tutorials), likely because things like "builder" aren't even proper IMVU terminology. Oh, and "game creator" can be scratched out now entirely since their Unity API has been seemingly abandoned.

I actually used/appreciated the old education center quite a lot; Not so much to learn from, but more like to use as a quick reference guide. IE: "how do morphs need to be set up again to work inside IMVU?" OR "what part of this did I screw up ..." --> 5 minutes flicking through the education center tutorials.
Posted 7 years ago
It can't hurt to watch a few more tutorials I suppose

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